
Sharing Interests with Your Spouse


Let's talk sports and marriage. Before marrying Ted, I didn't know what it meant to watch ESPN. Now I browse around on the internet, cook, or find anything to distract myself while he is getting his fill of updates. He's not extreme. Just stays updated. He's not constantly watching espn or something having to do with sports.

I did marry a Texan. And Texan's are pretty serious about their sports. I for one could care less. If I'm watching I'm pretty solid on caring whether 'my teams' (and I say that ever so lightly) win. I'm a Saints and Yankee's fan. The only real games I really get into are the times that 'my teams' are playing Ted's teams the Cowboys and/or Rangers. In these moments, it's my pride on the line and his too. We joke and laugh. Well, mainly I joke and laugh as he gets more and more into the game.

I for one have something to admit. I still don't understand football.

Lack of interest? That is probably spot on.

Thankfully, Ted isn't one to sit every Sunday afternoon watching football games and ignoring me. He only cares to watch if his team is playing. And if we have to miss the game doesn't get too worked up. Coming from my background this is the more religious sports watching I've ever seen.

I've tried harder to understand sports more and show an ounce of interest. Why? Because I enjoy taking interest in what my husband is interested in. And I do share blogs, birth stories, recipes, shopping, pinterest with Ted and although he's not the least bit interested (most of the time) he still amuses me by reading, watching, commenting, shopping, and being interested in what I'm interested in.

Your thoughts are welcomed. I'd love to know what or if you and your spouse have common or different interests and how you deal?

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