h a l f w a y .
i n h a l e .
e x h a l e .
this marker is so sweet. i'm halfway through my pregnancy and that much closer to meeting my little prince. he's already warmed our hearts. this weekend was for me. seriously, i've been dreaming of warm weather. *remind me of this when summer hits when i'm 8 months pregnant* for now, it's divine. the sun beamin' makes my heart beam.
lately, i've been feeling great. a little nausea here and there but no where near the first trimester. i'm still plenty tired and tuck away around 8:30 or 9. the bump is growing but still fitting into my clothes for the meantime. i'm ready to ditch my coat, scarf, hat, socks. i pulled out spring dresses in prep for our new orleans trip and i wore this one over the weekend. i've been trying to find time to take pictures. not as easy as i'd like. ted & i were driving over the weekend and we pulled over long enough to get this 20 week photo.. 20 weeks and 6 days to be exact. i snuck a photo in on the last day.
friday night we made pizza and stayed in. it's exactly what i needed after a tiring week. ted was able to feel some baby kicks finally. for days or a week or two, ted would run over to feel and then nothing. our timing was off. ted was so excited to feel for the first time on friday though. happy moment. i've been feeling our little man for a few weeks. he makes himself known. yesterday in church he must have wanted to play along with the drums because it feel like he was using me as a snare.
1 comment :
so cute!
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