above is my little bump at week 16 starting to take shape.
my weekly or even monthly pictures have not been on point.
i blame nausea. fatigue.
just haven't had the gusto to keep them up.
my goal from 20 to 40 is to snap weekly.
currently, i'm at 19 weeks. almost half way till our first introductions with little bean. i. can. not. wait. i still feel like i'm in the 'is she fat or pregnant' phase. hoping for the bump to pop soon. this week?
this week we find out if we are having a boy or girl. early on i felt strongly it was a girl. as of late, i've fickle-d to boy. so it's a toss up really. we are just happy to know and celebrate the news.
You look adorable! Congrats!!
:) I totally get that chubby or pregnant phase! Congratulations xx
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