
moving stronger

one thing i enjoy about ted's job is the endless possibilities it brings to our family. with two years down in philadelphia.. we have roughly two years left here till we pack up and move again. we talk about all our dreamy places that may be where we land. mainly anything west coast. san diego, santa barbara, seattle, hawaii, even alaska. our number one choice before moving to philadelphia was seattle and we were bummed we didn't get it.

ends up philadelphia had some tricks up its sleeve (read 100 things I love about Philly here). and we obliged and feel in love. this being the 'real' first move together as a couple (well virginia but i don't like to count it). we learned several lessons about moving across country the first time around. and i'm actually excited about doing it all over again. and again. and probably again.

moving is part of my nature, i suppose. it's an adventure worth the agony of boxing up everything and unpacking over and over again. how about closing ties with friends and starting fresh ones. it's tough but i think it makes you stronger. a layer of thick skin always helps and a pretty smile to greet new places.


Anonymous said...

I love your attitude :)

LMT said...

We just moved to seattle. Its awesome so if/when you do, you'll love it. I love to move but not my husband. I wish he had your attitude. :-)

bykristine said...

You are lucky to have that opportunity! Not everyone would enjoy it though, I know I would. I'm one of those people who could see myself moving from place to place. Or maybe I could just have apartments various places.. ;) Traveling is my passion, new adventures, new opportunities and new challenges. Bring it on. :D

Anonymous said...

as a military wife myself, i couldn't agree more with you :)

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