I recently rolled into my 3rd trimester. The last leg of this baby cooking process. I'm getting more and more excited to meet my little pork chop. I feel as if we have no time till his arrival. Then again, I feel like it will never come. Last week was a hectic week. As I went to get into bed on Sunday night, I knew something wasn't right. After not feeling good all day, it was now unbearable. I was in so much upper abdominal, right rib, and back pain. Nothing I did relieved the pain that normally works. Bath. No. Laying down. No. Sitting up. No. Standing. No. Squatting. No. Tums. No. Back massage. No.
After I starting vomiting, Ted called our midwife. She urged us to go to the hospital. There they tried several different things to get me to stop vomiting and made sure I was staying hydrated. Because I was moving around spilling my guts we couldn't get a full read on my baby. After awhile, we did. He was perfectly obliviously to whatever was happening to me, thankfully.
They wrote us off as food poisoning or some sort of stomach bug. Right before the sun began to rise, we headed home. Later in the week we found out at another appointment that there may be some tearing in the cartilage in my right rib. No fun but not the end of the world. Besides the major pain in my rib, everything is sooth sailing.
Two weeks ago we dressed up and went to our first Coast Guard ball. Here's some pictures from the night.

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