
Trailer is out.

My friend, Nathan, wrote a short film last year and the trailer is now out. The film is coming this winter.

'In a very non-traditional way, this film explores the concepts of truth, culture, and lifestyle.'

This is a low budget film. It would be great to have thousands millions of dollars to spend on advertising. Please watch, it's only a minute of your time. Feel free to share via twitter, facebook, etc.

While I'm here putting plugs in for friends... let me share this show with you. If you are in or around Philly...Benjamin Dunn and Friends will be here on October 5th at Circle of Hope. It's $5 at the door. Watch Melody of Salvation. And if your up for another watch this, too. Ben and his wife moved to New Orleans after Katrina to lead worship I was attending then. Enjoy.

AND, lastly congrats to my dear friend Alec Lomani for winning MTV IGGY's artist of the week


nathan said...

Thanks for your help Tamara!

Glee said...

Makes me want to see it, interesting :)

Steph said...

The film looks interesting and keep playing circus of love. Thanks for the recommendations!

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