
Fill in the Blank Friday


Today I'm playing along with Lauren from The Little Things We Do on her Friday Fill in the Blanks.  In honor of her birthday, the blanks are about birthdays! Happy Birthday Lauren. Did you see the cake above? It looks extra yummy. Flourless Chocolate Almond Torte with blackberries. View the link on my pinterest board

1.   My most favorite birthday was  The first birthday Ted and I shared. Shared meaning my birthday is also Ted's birthday. We celebrated all day just the two of us. Horse back riding, shopping, dinner, and the night before a party with our dearest friends. 

2.  My worst birthday was My 16th birthday. I went 2 hours from home to spend it with my best friend. Ended up going to her other friends surprise birthday party and staying up watching the dumbest movie ever. Haha, I'm not bitter. But, on your 16th birthday your not suppose to be celebrating someone else, no?

3.  My favorite birthday memory is  In college my friends and roommate threw me a surprise party!! It was unexpected and perfect way to make me feel less homesick (I hated college).

4.  The best birthday present I've ever received was A ipod that all my friends pitched in to buy and then engraved their names or another another year they all chipped in for a $350 spa package that I enjoyed over the course of 6 months!!!

5.  The  best birthday present I've ever given was   I love giving thoughtful gifts with meaning and purpose. I also go really crazy when it comes to wrapping the present (probably spend just as much on the wrapping, haha). I've also done my share of fun party giving. I threw a large surprise party for my best friend at the times 21st birthday after already having a small get together of dinner/bowling/gifts (only to throw her off). She was so surprised and we all had a blast. 

6.  Birthdays are Overrated?! They are fun!! Sharing it has it's pros and cons. But, anything to have a party is an excuse to be thankful for. 

7.  My favorite age so far has been  24, this past year has been so fun. New adventures and sharing it with Ted. 

Happy Friday!!!!

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