
Lock. Load. Squirt.


One of our friends who is 26 around 6'2 with a pretty solid build was walking around recently when a young kid pulled a gun on him. In the fifteen year olds attempt to rub him, he pulled a gun out. Our friend looked closely at the teenager, noticed the gun was in fact a water gun. He grabbed the water gun, sat the kid down, called the cops, and talked with him while they waited. This reminds me that people will do anything when they are in need. 

One of my life long dreams is to hug as many little kids as possible. To dance on the sidewalk, draw a masterpiece with chalk, and hang out with insecure teenagers. On one hand, I despise the pettiness of high school students and on the other I love them to death. Ok, truth be known, my heart isn't that big to fit all kinds of love for kids on the upper east side or suburbs. I know they have their struggles long with others. But what makes my heart pitter patter is the child who sleeps in a roach invested house, has holes in his shoes, goes to bed hungry, raises himself, and is scared for his life and those around him/her.

In New Orleans, I had the great opportunity to work for a non-profit organization called Next Generation and work with three different ministries. I loved every second of my experiences with each one. I began doing children's ministry not knowing my love for it. Soon after and I read a book called "Whose Child Is This" by Bill Wilson. The book changed my life in many ways. I've visited his ministry in Brooklyn when I was a kid and have used Metro's material on many occasions. If you want a good read, something to put passion in your heart, than its a read for you. At Next Generation, I was hired to run clubs at 7 different high schools. The clubs ranged from 30 students to 250. Once a week we would walk the campus as the bell rang for lunch inviting students to the gym for free pizza and a talk. Once in the gym, we would give away pizza and talk about real life issues. At times we would share the gospel and some times we would talk about other issues dealing with character building. One of my favorite series I talked about is a "Fatherless Generation". At each school there's a different group of kids, but I feel like this series hit home. At times I would see my students on Tuesday night's at a Bible study in jail or hanging outside while we were doing kids outreaches in Hollygrove (neighborhood Lil Wayne grew up) on the weekends.  

Today, like most days, I have an itch. The itch to see a smile form on a little kids face. I want to see girls restored after being involved in sex trafficking, raped, molested. I want to see hope in the someone's eyes instead of regret and despair. I want a teenager to finally pass eighth grade after three years of trying. This is my heart.

I'm come across some interesting encounters myself. At one high school, I saw a kid with a knife stuck in him waiting for an ambulance and only worrying about if I would give him a slice of pizza. I've seen a massive fight break out during bible study on the girls pod in jail. I've had a truck drive by while walking inviting kids to come play ball pretend to shoot at us (YES we all ducked/screamed and YES they did laugh). The ring barrier in my wedding was one kid I met in the 7th ward of New Orleans. Him and his brother roamed the streets everyday, hungry, and getting into trouble. They didn't know it but were delivering drugs for a local barber shop. (Passing packages from corner to corner.) They started coming to Sidewalk Saturday School and now years later they are teenagers whose lives look totally different. They are on the honor roll and don't get into fights all the time (like they use to). They have character. 


Amber Schmidt said...

I love this. You are such a kind-hearted person, and you're really helping these kids out. You're like a guardian angel!

April said...

What a great post. I love it that God gives us all different passions, places different needs on all our hearts. My heart belongs to premature babies. I wouldn't know what to do with a teenager if they were standing right in front of me. I'm glad that there are people like you who do :)

Meg said...

This is such an amazing post!! I'm so glad there are people like you out changing the world! You have totally inspired me. :)

Kelly said...

This is very touching! And I totally get that itch to want to see a smile on a child's face too. Your a wonderful person, and I can't wait to read more of your blog posts! Following!

<3 Kelly

paislea said...

You are so sweet. I loved reading this. I would love more than anything to be a part of something life changing like that. Not only for the kids, but for myself too. It would be an amazing feeling.

I hope that you're having a good day.


Anonymous said...

you have such a big heart. someday i hope i gain the courage to make a real difference.


Lulu said...

Wow, glad I found your blog today. What an inspiring post. You sound like a wonderful person. Hope you get to hug a baby this weekend!


paislea said...

I just have to say thank you for all of the lovely comments you leave me on my blog! It's so much fun chatting back and forth!

I hope you're having a great friday!


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