It's like we hit a refresh button and we are into a really good groove. Wells has let go of his

He is talking and expressing himself in new ways everyday. It's so fun to have our mini conversations now. Ready or not, he is really growing up.
I recently bought him a baby doll (this one). He loves it and I'd say he has a 70/30% chance of being a great big brother. For the most part, he cares so well for the doll. He feeds her, attempts to change her diaper which always results in a "help you" aka "help me", lots of hugs and kisses, and shares his toys with the doll. On the other hand, he runs the doll over in his car and sometimes smashes her head into the ground.

Wells is kind of understanding that in some bellies there are babies. Sometimes he gets confused if the baby is in dad's belly or mom's. I think he will be sad when he realizes I'm not giving birth to a puppy. He is always gabbing about baby puppy.
In other news, we finally cut the four month growth of his hair and it looks so much better. Ted wanted to see what it would look like if we let it grow a little.
In two short months, we will have a two year old. Ohhh emmmm geeee.
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