this blog year
has been
i'm not sure what i'm thinking, doing, or writing.
what i want to be said or read.
truth is the blog is out of sight.
and mind.
for the time being.
i'm okay with this.
kind of.
feeling guilty for fully neglecting.
but this is the season i'm in.
and 'a toodle lee do' isn't hat the forefront of to do's.
i'm okay with that.
kind of.
start posts all the time.
and scratch posts all the time.
pointless thoughts.
and need better direction.
hence the hint of change.
a new project maybe.
baby steps.
Perhaps you should take solace in the fact that you're sort of okay with not knowing what you want to do. If you stop trying to push something to happen I bet you'll come up with an idea.
Deliciously Happy
yes, i know how it feels. my creativity has been a little slow lately. not just regarding the blog, but in general. since i love photography, i need to push myself in order not to give up. i get tired of things fairly quickly, but i made it my mission not to give up on photography.
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