
February Wrap Up

This past month was purr-fect. We wrapped up the second half of our special '29 nights'. You can see the first half of the month here. We loved this month and all the fun stuff we did together. On days that we were too busy to do something extra special the notes, texts, and little things left for the other still made each day *extra* lovely.

14. took a cab to a little restaurant ate fish and sipped wine
15. sat at the auto shop for a few hours while they fixed my car
16.  ice skated at penns landing
17. watched our favorite new show snuggled in bed
18-21. went out of town 
22. made something for each other
23. ordered delivery from our favorite thai restaurant
24. ate left over crawfish bisque from our little mardi gras celebration
25. bought a clothing item for the other
26. watched the oscar's with friends
27. woke up together before work hot coffee in our hands and ate donuts
28. made our favorite sushi rolls
29. took an extra long walk hand-n-hand and bought a new record

1 comment :

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Sounds like February was good to you, I hope that March is good to you as well!

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