
Outfit: Hot Pink Three Ways

today, i'm using a hot pink button down and creating three different outfits.
i'm new at set-the-timer-and-pose-kind-of-self-photos... so forgive me.
they aren't perfect.

 Outfit: Jeans/Zara Blazer/Thrifted Shirt/Old Navy Bracelet/Anthropologie Shoes/Buffalo

 Outfit: Dress/Target Shirt/Old Navy Scarf/Great-Grandma's Shoes/Yves Saint Laurent Bag/Juicy 

Outfit: Shirt/Anthropologie Shirt/Old Navy Necklace/Trashie Diva


{kayleigh nikolai} said...

I love your outfits! And I think the pics turned out great...that would take so much practice for me!! :)

Allison said...

Love your style...and the hot pink!!

Olivia said...

loving this, so fun!

Southern Grade + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio