
Spring showers


My mom called me a few months ago and asked if I would come down to have a baby shower. Of course, I wanted to come home for a visit. I was leery of the baby shower idea at first. Dumb. First, because I'm horrible at keeping in touch with everyone back in New Orleans. Second, I wondered if it would be tacky to invite people to a shower even though I don't see them as often anymore. After talking to other friends, I decided it wasn't weird and that it was a great idea.

My parents bought us plane tickets and I counted down the days until we boarded. Upon landing we were hoping for the weather to be perfectly spring for the shower. I always wanted an outdoor wedding but I couldn't even chance it in Louisiana. But, a baby shower seemed doable. We kept checking the weather and of course it was always if-y. Ends up the only time it was nasty out was the two hour time frame we set for the shower. Go figure.

Saturday was muggy, misty, and the most humid day I've experienced in years. I showed up to the park and everything was set up in the field by the pond. Perfect. Until the rain came. Soon after it started raining and we moved under the gazebo. Ends up it all worked out and it still was beautiful. My mother and sister in law put everything together perfectly and I felt very blessed. Although most people I invited weren't able to make it, the group that we had was wonderful. I was so blessed with the gifts and more importantly everyone's presence. It was great.

I'm so thankful for the time we spent in New Orleans catching up with friends and spending quality time with family. I'm so blessed to have wonderful people in my life. My son is already loved by many. We are leaving today and I'm a bit sad. More photos to come.

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