
As Of Right Now

Waitinnnnnggggggggg. Does anyone enjoy waiting? and patiently, at that? I've been trying to cram facts upon facts into my little brain for a test in the morning. And, all the while thinking.... only 4 weeks left in this class. No more Mr. Monotone-Pacer-Dry-Humor-Boring-4 hours of my monday morning!!  And, really after this week only 3 weeks technically in class for lecture/lab because the last week is a throw away test week.

I'm also ever so patiently waiting to start working again in a week in a half. Seriously, I have loved my summer OFF. What more to love than sleeping in, reading by the pool, shopping during the day, and cooking consistently at home. But, going back to the work force feels right. Right for right now. 

Answered prayers. Call backs. Vacations. Visiting family. All of which seem to be a waiting game as of late. Oh, and I kind of have baaaaabbbbbyyyyyyy-feeevvveeeeeerrrrrrrr! (and just for the record..not pregnant and as of right now no plans to be)

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