The last few months, I can't seem calculate his age off the top of my head. The months are runing together and I'm answering, 'Oh, how old is he?', by 'ummm... He will be two in July'. I've obviously fallen off monthly updates which is okay with me. My goal was to do one year and transition blog posts to a printed book. And, guess what! The book is ready to be ordered, finally. I don't scrapbook or babybook or craft much. So printing online a collection of pictures and monthly updates is my kind of thang.
Today I counted it out to mark where we are in his monthly age of 20.5 months.
Just in the last month, Wells has
I can't believe soon we will have a two year old, all the more joy, laughter, crumbs, meltdowns, and life in our home. This weekend we head to Philadelphia for a trip to visit old friends, shop, and EAT. It's going to be good.
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