
Little Bean's Nursery Inspiration Board


Nursery inspiration

One of the main questions people ask me is what theme the baby nursery is. And, I don't have a straight forward answer really. I'd say nautical but I'm not going for overall out to sea direction. To help my mom and put my ideas together, I created a inspiration board on polyvore. Some of the items are just filler's because I can't find the exact item we want/have already. Like the crib, it's not exactly it. But it's white and gets the point across.

I printed pictures from our trip to Italy and are having them framed. Pictures of the water in Capri. Boats. Etc. I already had the chevron rug and ours is gray (not navy like the picture shows). I also already have the creme de la creme print & credenza that we will use as a changing table. We'll add a comfy chair for our liking to the mix. However, I do love the look of the retro rockers. I purchased a white tepee that we can lay in and read books, play, and nap inside. Overall I want the room to feel cozy, fun, and a good mix of items.

A few items that I want to add to the mix are the sailboat mobile, anthropologie curtains, whale tissue box, and the mirror that I've wanted from Terrain for awhile.

Last night Ted & I went to the first time parents night that Just For Friends had. We scored loads of goods including two ikea bags full of clothes for little bean, bjorn carrier, and lots more for dirt cheap.

1 comment :

Whim Wham Life said...

Sooooo cute! Can this be my bedroom!?:-) My little man doesn't really have a theme to his room either. Although, more and more sports stuff and cars keep inching their way in as he gets older:-) xoxo

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