life happened. my roommates moved out and ted moved in. less girls nights. a lot less last minute parties (why did we stop). married routine came into play. cue moving. adjustment period. cue moving again. adjustment period. cue deployment. adjust. move back. breath. school. work. life continues with full days. lots of which is mundane. but several days are filled with great memories and personal growth.
all this thought made me want to write a little note to myself five years from now. i'd be 31. ekk! glad thirty is four years away. let's just say i'm not ready which is okay at this point.
a few notes to myself five years from now:
slow down and enjoy simple moments.
the only scripture you know is the scripture you live.
at the end of the day, family matters more than anything.
wake up early if that means you can have a cup of coffee and some alone time.
stay spontaneous.
make goals.
give grace.
live with open hands.
keep making lists of things you love about ted.
refer to list when he's driving you insane.
friends come and go, don't sweat it.
take time to create.
take time to cook interesting things.
take time to remember.
take time to repent.
take time to exercise.
take time to read.
let go.
embrace new opportunities.
personal pain usually results in personal growth.
keep in touch.
call mom and keep her up to date.
be involved in your brothers lives even if it's hard from far away.
travel often.
try new things.
take on a good challenge.
always forgive.
always love.
always stay true to yourself.
keep your spunk.
don't change for anyone.
a little sass never hurt no one.
keep good intention.
look back at the good and forget the bad.
make more babies (you have 4 more years)
(i want to stop having kids at 35)
never take for granted the constants in life.
pray often.
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