
meals & staying organized

staying inspired is one of the key things to cooking home meals. coming up with not only fresh ideas but making it work for your schedule & taste buds. i typically work better when i have a organized plan.

when i leave meals to chance, i never have the right ingredients on hand. i don't know what i'm hungry for and i'm extremely indecisive.

so over the time, i've come up with a workable system that plays well with us. i plan menu's & grocery lists in advance. thinking seasonally. trying to use what i would stock my fridge with that week, etc. i use my iCal to sort everything. i tag meals to dates and in the notes i spell out ingredients & any instructions (if it's a recipe i'm trying than i link to it or paste it into the note). once the week is complete with meals, i make a grocery list ready & tag it too sunday.

each week i print my grocery list & walk through my kitchen crossing off the list what i already have on hand. then i usually write another list with the reminding items. each day i look at the menu & execute. below is an example of july. the first week i don't have much because it's our move in week. unpacking boxes & take out.

it's rare i plan more than one meal a day. i plan for us to eat leftovers at other meals. typically we always have something easy to grab and go for breakfast. muffins, loaf, yogurt, fruit, etc. on sundays, we typically always eat out for lunch & have whatever at home for dinner. i don't agonize over skipped meals on the menu. when i go grocery shopping i can always adjust whatever i'm not so happy about, add on or skip.

if there isn't leftovers or some sandwich that i know i'm making ted for lunch... he typically finds a way to feed himself. pb & j, or some sandwich with lunch meat or buys lunch. this is a no stress system. a lot of times i fill in meals with roasted vegetables & a chicken breast for ted.

1 comment :

Ms. Morgan said...

I make weekly menus and then the corresponding grocery list too. Otherwise I'd end up with a bunch of impulse fruit and cheese and nothing for actual "meals". I never though of using my iCal before...I normally just write it on a piece of paper and attach it to the fridge. I might have to give the digital way a try. Thanks.


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