i say that everyone is entitled to five pet peeves. what makes your skin crawl like nails against chalkboard. gives me the the hibbee-jeebbee's just thinking about it. although pet peeves erk our nerves or play a number on our patience it's something that we all live with.
personal preferences and it should be just that - personal. not forced on one another to live by your rules or perform under your preferences (in marriage can be tricky). but, i think it's always interesting to know what small petty things make people jump out of their skin. probably because i have some weird ones myself.
confessions:: pet peeves
1. the sound of someone (including myself) gulping liquid
2. popping knuckles
3. when someone says "this guy" or "this girl" like 'who loves ice cream, this guy'
4. dust on ceiling fans
5. watching youtube videos for more than 10 minutes at a time
so there are my five. they come and go (thankfully). i hope to have the grace to clench my jaw and not ask others to adapt to my preferences. that is tough. but, doable. what are your pet peeves?!
uh oh. i'm completely guilty of number 3 on your list. my husband also hates number one, which i'm guilty of as well! i sure hope you follow this up with a list of five things you love? maybe i do one or two of those? i do hope we can still be blog friends after this ; ) admittedly, i do also abhor dust on ceiling fans...ugh! xo.
wow. this pretty much sums up five of my 50 pet peeves...haha. I may have too many..
found the route
Bridget Anne all is forgiven. Blog friends, we will remain!
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