

Take the Car Apart

i could scream
i could cry
i could fold completely
i could hate myself
i could look for something bigger
i could laugh
i could pull out my hair
i could pray
i could search

i could go back in time?!

just the biggest confession i'll ever make on this blog. i lost my wedding ring!!?!?! 

yeah, eyes focus. i lost my wedding ring.

there i said it. this is what happened. my wedding ring has been verrrry loose for the last several months. i've been putting off getting it resized. i also have been working in a kitchen for several months and every time i went to work had to take it off. school went the same way. i got use to taking it off. but, i soared through school and work with never losing it.


last weekend, i was russssssshhhhhhiiiiinnnnnnggggggg from a bridal shower to the market to buy lobster for the dinner party where i was cooking. i was late on everything. i was rushing through traffic. i was attempting to groom & eat lunch. one thing lead to the next and for some odd reason my ring flew off my finger with my band which was even more loose. just sailed through the air. no bigger right? it has to be in the car, right?

well, well. found the band in a second. i  c a n  n o t  f i n d  m y  g o r g e o u s  r i n g. all two carat solitaire this is your mama and i'm looking frantically for you. i shed some tears. i searched and searched. the thing is when it flew... i heard something hit the dash. what ted & i are thinking it must have went into the air conditioner vent.

take the car apart? new ring?


carmen @ life blessons said...

i was on a youth group trip growing up and the very same thing happened to the youth leader's wife. went right into the AC (of a rented van, no less!). but they managed to pull the cover off (lots of work and screwdrivers!) and get it back. might be worth a shot! good luck!

Stephanie Shepherd said...

My goodness, I cannot even imagine but I hope you find it soon! Maybe you could take the car to get detailed and explain the situation for them to find it? x

bridget anne said...

oh goodness. honey i am so, so sorry. i believe it'll turn up. i'll be thinking of you.

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