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grow, baby grow
i've learned to let go.
i've learned to act with out expectation.
i've learned to keeping trekking when times are grey.
it's the learning part that hasn't always been smooth sailing. however, the process continues to get easier. better. and there are many, many times of peace.
the thing is... it still hurts.
the thing is... it's still hard.
the things is... does it get easier?
i'd scream YES. Because *it has*.
i've screamed, what's wrong with me? one to many times
and i've asked God, can I quit trying now? too many to count
and over and over and over again I learn: trust, patience, love and continue on.
it's actually the most b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l thing. because inwardly i'm growing.
it's like spring is blossoming within my ribs.
Southern Grade + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio
1 comment :
I love how you word things. So beautiful.
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