more than likely, we all are our biggest critic. i am. i'm a girl. i *over think* everything and then beat it into the ground with more thinking. it's something that i love & hate. no compartmentalizing like boys. just one big box of everything and how we have it all weaving together.
a few things, i've come to grips with. mistakes are beautiful because they are chances taken. trying is a step that is brave. try again and victory is *yours*. or maybe it's not. but that fact that you live to try. to love. to create. to explore. to discover & love to do all of it. that says something. a fighter in the making.
i spill over and over again. ted listens over and over again. and this is typically how i deal. i over-react-in-thinking-the-worst-or-fear-failure-of-every-sort-and-think-the-possible-is-in-fact-impossible. ted brings me back to reality of nothing is out of reach. he reminds me of the good. the bright sun on a rainy day & and with that i shine. i sore. i live. and i continue on.
1 comment :
I relate completely. I tend to over analyze the fun out of things or beat myself up for nothing. It's something that is easily done but hard to reverse. Thanks for your honesty. Glad you have Ted.
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