

Needless to say, I'm starting here. I'm setting a doable goal of 30 hairstyles. I will post every so often what I've tried. What worked, what didn't. What you actually need five hands in order to pull off. Triumphs and failures.

I will be starting next monday. If you'd like to join, I've put together a list of ideas. I'm not going in order and I may even trek off the list, but I wanted to have something to go-to when I'm trying to think of what I'll be doing. Somewhat of a game plan that can be altered. Interested in linking up?

3. Scarf
24. UP
26. Beehive
27. Faux Bob
28. Up
29. DIY straight
30. Down and wavy: Braid and sleep on it


Alison said...

Hi, I just stumbled onto your blog and wanted to tell you how great your pictures are. It seems like you've done a lot off Europe hopping. Also, I've seen the thirty days of different hairstyles on pinterest and I've considered it, but my hair is so difficult. Those styles look like they would like great on you.


arielle elise. said...

Wow, these are some great ideas! Definitely going to have to try some :) Love your blog!

Victoria said...

now, I wish my hair was long again. can't wait to see how they look

Olivia said...

OMG love this. need to do it too.

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