
Just what I needed

After spending today with my husband, I'm feeling much better. He even forced me out of the house and we shopped, drank lattes, and saw a movie. Just what I needed... and I almost forgot I was sick. After the shopping adventure... I decided I'm starting a wishlist for my birthday which is just around the corner. Well, my birthday month is around the corner. But, November 15 will be here soon and I'm turning 25. For some reason, I feeling all sentimental about turning 25. I mean, it's not 30 but I still feel is pivotal.

My wish list includes and will be growing... a girl can wish, can't she?  

These gorgeous boots ( which I called my Dad about...cha-ching!

Always want more perfume

I'd love some new pillows from Caitlin's new collection

This iphone case

A chunky gold watch

That's just a start... :) 

I'll be back with a fun hair style later this week. 


paislea said...

i love that iphone case! it's so cute!!!! and i love those BOOTS! sooo soo cute!!

allister bee blog

CarrieJo said...

well i love your wish list! :)

Sara B said...

that iphone case is awesome! and love that adorable headboard too.

navy and orange said...

love the headboard!

xoxo navy & orange

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