Ted bought me the Canon G12 this past summer after our photographer friend highly recommended it. Do you remember when I was asking for your advice? I was so happy to hear a few people gush over how much they love their G12.
What appealed for me in this camera was the versatility of the camera and it's easy to throw in my purse like any other point and shoot camera. Someday, I would love at beautiful chunky SLR. But today I'm happy with learning the basics.
The G12 has a kind of old school model feel to it which is cool. I shoot for the pure enjoyment of capturing our lovely lives. I tend to store away hundred of pictures on my computer (I need an external harddrive soon!) and I print ever so often (usually every time shutterfly gives me 50 free prints!). I'm not a scrap booker not my forte, but I do like to make mini books.
I'm just dabbled into taking pictures in RAW. You have the option of JPEG or RAW or both image types. I've been shooting in RAW which required me to buy a larger sim card to hold the bigger files. I haven't figured out completely what makes RAW better (anyone?). Playing with the depth field has been so fun. It's maximum f/number feature is f/2.8-f4.5. I'm still learning, but the aperture feature is probably my favorite thing about the camera. With the G12 you can also adjust how much light your letting in by the left dial. It also has ISO capabilities from 100-12,800. You can shoot in high definition, control white balance, and much much more.
It was a great buy and I love learning more and more about it. As I learn more.. ..I'll share more
1 comment :
Hi, G12 friend! This is a fantastic review! I haven't gotten around to any tutorials about it but I think you definitely should consider it too. It sounds like you are getting to know your camera nicely! Did I tell you that I loved the photographs you took while in Europe? Well, they were so rad! I decided we need to take a trip there soon! Its in the works. Thanks a lot ;-)
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