

Glimspe at my wish list


1. The flip would be perfect for taking little clips that come out to be a higher quality then when I use my iphone. It's compact and has a wide angle lens attachment available for purchase. 

2. Canon G12 brown leather camera case.

3. Photoshop of any sorts. I'm currently Photoshop illiterate but I'm so ready to learn. What photoshop program would you suggest? 

4. An iPad. Because it's portable. I have a lot of down time at my current job and so it would be lovely to be able to the work on stuff on the computer, read, or browse in those times.

5. OR A nook. Also very portable. And I could be one of those semi annoying people in the subway reading and not paying attention to a single thing. People walk up stairs nook in hand and not looking
anywhere. Must be a really good book.

I just took off 2 lens off my wish list today because I purchased them. I also ordered a few other camera accessories. I can't wait to check the mail and greet all my goodies. Next month I will be doing a review on my Canon G12. I just got it back from the shop and am loving it. 


whitney johnson said...

my husband has an ipad2 and he always says it's the best purchase he's ever made [he travels a lot for work]. and i just recently got photoshop and it's more difficult to learn than i thought but at least i'm having fun experimenting with it! :)

p.s. that brown leather camera case is sooooooo so so cute.

{cuppakim} said...

i have photoshop elements. its great.
i am pretty sure it comes with a DVD of digital scrapbooking tutorial - which even if you don't do the scrapbooking helps you understand how to create stuff in it.

i do need to learn how to use it to edit photos though.

and i'm a hugeeeee ereader fan. i have a kindle and its the best thing that ever happened to me - i didnt even think i wanted one, and got one as a gift at christmas 2 years ago. i wish i had one even sooner! and compared to the ipad, the price is totally doable! take the plunge :)

Jill said...

ahh i'm so not technological lol I love my Canon camera though!

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